Tuesday 21 December 2010

Fewtril No.275

It has been said that disgust arises in man from the consciousness of those things which remind him of his beasthood. That must explain my visceral reaction to libertarians.

An Oddness

“[G]o back far enough in history and no group outside Olduvai, in eastern Africa, can lay claim to being truly ‘native’.” [1] 

How long will we have to put up with the sinister eccentricities of these beautiful-souled, would-be race-killers? Likely until either they or their target-groups have been destroyed. In the meantime, amongst other things, we may grapple with their oddities, though I must admit that I am stuggling to understand the sense of this one. Here we are faced with the mystery of how the truth of a land’s not existing three million years ago could mean that no group is native to it when it does exist. Normally one would hold that nativeness to an ethnic group falls within an ethnic category; and that nativeness to an ancestral land or polity falls within an ethnic-territorial or geopolitical category, but here the belief seems to be that no group is native even to its own homeland unless it lives in the same geographical space that was once occupied by a different group first-ancestrally related to it, despite that the group may be of another species, despite that first-ancestorhood depends on what group is being considered, and despite that it is groups in the first place which form the ethnic-territorial bounds wherein they are normally understood to be native. As I say, it is odd, weird even, but then our beautiful-souled fellows aren’t normal, and reasonableness, one may be sure, is not high amongst their priorities.

[1] James Mackay and David Stirrup, “There is no such thing as an ‘indigenous’ Briton”, Comment is Free (The Guardian’s weblog), 20th December 2010.

Saturday 13 November 2010

In the Interregnum

“All manly peoples today have a bad name; the Prussians are the prototype. In the interregnum, however, it is not mothers but hermaphrodites who prevail.”

[“Alle männlichen Völker sind heut in Verruf; die Preußen sind der Prototyp. Im Interregnum sind aber nicht die Mütter, sondern die Zwitter maßgebend.”]

Ernst Jünger, Brief an Carl Schmitt, 23. August 1970, in Ernst Jünger – Carl Schmitt: Briefe 1930-1983, hrsg., H. Kiesel (Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 1999), p.376.

Monday 8 November 2010

A Lingering Ground-Whiff

“We have fought wars, indulged in regicide and had a glorious revolution in order to rid us of the religio-political tyranny of divine right.” [1]

Oh, didn’t it turn out spiffing! And war-mongering, king-slaying, and revolution-seeking for the greater glory of the total-plebeian state — what a glad tale! But I am tired of these “right-wing conservatives” (read: rear-guard left-wing radicals) befouling the name.
     Before these men, and before the stench of French Jacobins, Russian Bolsheviks, and American Wilsonians was set aloft, there was the ground-whiff of English Whigs, who, in the now timeworn manner, threatened to make the world safe for their own feeble ideas, therewith the sheen of goodliness and the anticipation of thanks.
’Tis Britain’s care to watch o’er Europe’s fate,
And hold in balance each contending state,
To threaten bold, presumptuous kings with war,
And answer her afflicted neighbours’ prayer.
The Dane and Swede, roused up by fierce alarms,
Bless the wise conduct of her pious arms:
Soon as her fleets appear, their terrors cease,
And all the northern world lies hushed in peace. [2]
The cold ghastliness of it ought to make every man shiver, and yet, by its giving leave to an easy and unearned spree of warm feelings, it is likely to trigger a glow of holiness. But do not get me wrong: I am no peace-monger. The drive for everlasting peace on earth is something to be withstood, and its dream-fulfilling, something to be dreaded: an earth “hushed in peace” would be a dead one, and deathly if only half-fulfilled.
No more war; no more markedness of races, peoples, states, or religions; no lawbreakers or adventurers; no conflicts owing to overlordship and otherness; no more hatred or settling of scores, only unending convenience through all millennia. Even today, where we are witnessing the end-phase of this trivial optimism, such sillinesses make one bethink with dread the godawful boredom — the taedium vitae of the Roman Imperial age — which spreads over the soul merely by reading of such idylls, whereof even only a partial realisation would lead to murder and self-murder on a massive scale. [3]
I forechoose truthful warfarers, men who at least know themselves, men who know that they seek glory or overlordship, men who even know some bounds to their goals, not these liberal windbags puffed up with the barely-hidden and boundless lust to bring the whole world under the sway of their blightedness.

[1] Cranmer, “The Divine Right of Human Rights”, Cranmer (weblog), 8th November 2010. Also therein: “After that [‘glorious’] revolution, notions of absolutism were gradually replaced by parliamentary democracy, and the liberties and rights of the people were enshrined in the Bill of Rights, which is the inviolable property of a sovereign people.” How can anyone believe this nonsense? For one thing, should it not be clear as daylight to anyone who still bothers to peek into the world that the Bill of Rights is about as inviolable as bog-paper? Furthermore, notions of absolutism may have been replaced by lies about popular sovereignty, but how is that a good thing? Also: a sovereign is absolute in the domain of its operation, otherwise it is not a sovereign. What then can it mean to cry down the idea of absolute power and yet in the next breath uphold the idea of a sovereign people?
[2] Joseph Addison, A Letter from Italy, in The Works of Joseph Addison, Vol.I (London: George Bell and Son, 1903), p.37.
[3] [“Kein Krieg mehr, kein Unterschied mehr von Rassen, Völkern, Staaten, Religionen, keine Verbrecher und Abenteurer, keine Konflikte infolge von Überlegenheit und Anderssein, kein Haß, keine Rache mehr, nur unendliches Behagen durch alle Jahrtausende hin. Solche Albernheiten lassen heute noch, wo wir die Endphasen dieses trivialen Optimismus erleben, mit Grauen an die entsetzliche Langweile denken — das taedium vitae der römischen Kaiserzeit — die sich beim bloßen Lesen solcher Idyllen über die Seele breitet und in Wirklichkeit bei auch nur teilweiser Verwirklichung zu massenhaftem Mord und Selbstmord führen würde.”] Oswald Spengler, Der Mensch und die Technik (München: C.H. Beck’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1931), p.5. (Maybe Spengler underestimated the staying-power of this trivial optimism.)

An Unamazing Thing

“The amazing thing, in a world where a single mis-tap on Google shows us how vast, complex and miscellaneous is the human sexual instinct, is that people, especially columnists, keep thinking there’s a ‘right’.” [1]

An unamazing thing is that liberal columnists, in being witnesses to widespread lewdness, mistake this as showing that there’s no wrong; for here once again arises that enthymemetic genius which has breathed life into liberal irrationality and relativism for hundreds of years: lots of folk do or believe sundry things at odds with one another, therefore, there is no right or wrong thing amongst them.

[1] Victoria Coren, “Pineapple sex is not for us all”, Comment is Free (The Guardian’s weblog), 7th November 2010.

Sunday 6 June 2010


“Most hold it for a metamorphosis when they shed a false beard.”

[“Die meisten halten es für eine Metamorphose, wenn sie einen falschen Bart ablegen.”] Carl Schmitt, Glossarium: Aufzeichnungen der Jahre 1947 – 1951, hrsg., E. Frhr. von Medem (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1991), 1. März 1948, p.107.

Thursday 15 April 2010

Masterplan Spiffing Ease; or The Jolly-Well Final Solution to the Racial Problem in Europe

“All we’ve got to do is wait a few generations. At which point there won’t be any ‘races’ to have any problems about.” [1]

It is no shock to find liberals recommending with the lightest of feelings the racial destruction of Europe as though it were of little more significance than the choosing of a tie. Neither the reality nor the meaning of it can easily appear to their shallow, image-addled, and connotation-wracked minds. [2] First of all they commit ideal genocide: races, peoples, and societies are eliminated from the mind, or conceptually reduced to the merest trivialities and irrelevancies to be brushed aside with the least fuss in a cool-hopeful air; thereafter they can regard the actual process with glee or without regret of loss, though it is in fact the loss not of trivialities but of long-developed and irretrievable forms of incalculable significance and worth, held to be so even by their near-forefathers whose sacrifices would be set close to naught by these most ignoble and rancid of men.

[1] Tim Worstall, “Solving all those Racial Problems”, Tim Worstall (weblog), 15th April 2010. One of his commenters notes with apparent regret that even the racial elimination of the Europeans in Europe will not solve the “problem” of differences therein: “the consequential elimination . . . in favour of a uniform coffee-coloured dark haired people won’t rid us of cultural differences”. What’s a poor genocidal philistine to do? Mere anti-racialism will not suffice if differences of every kind are to be extirpated, and the ultimate logical end, albeit impossible to realise, is — formless matter.
[2] See: “How to Commit Genocide”, herein.

Fewtril no.275

The common man is never so clever as the politician says and never so stupid as the politician believes.

Monday 29 March 2010

Liberalism Old and New

“They spoke much of tolerance, because they needed the very same for themselves, but already at that time there was no-one more intolerant than they against all those who gainsaid their opinions.” [1]

“To the extent society becomes liberal it becomes inhuman, and as the process approaches completion the society becomes unable to function or survive.” [2]

[1] Carl Ludwig von Haller, Restauration der Staats-Wissenschaft (Winterthur: in der Steinerischen Buchhandlung, 1820), Bd.I, p.117. [“[S]ie redeten viel von Toleranz, weil sie derselbigen für sich bedurften, aber schon damals war niemand intoleranter als sie gegen alle diejenigen die ihren Meinungen widersprachen”.] Herr von Haller’s excellent book was burnt at the Wartburgfest.

[2] James Kalb, The Tyranny of Liberalism (Wilmington, Delaware: ISI Books, 2008), p.141. Mr Kalb’s excellent book provides one of the best analyses of liberalism yet written, and his weblog gives one of the best summary definitions: “we’re free to be you and me, as long as the differences never matter.” ( “The One, the Many, and the Alternative Right”, Turnabout, 16th March 2010.)

A Response of Sorts

“The suicide bombers’ targeting was deliberately provocative — and the Russian authorities’ response is equally predictable”. [1]

If predictability is a problem, then the Russian authorities could respond with a parade of jugglers and dwarf-acrobats, also helping to surprise and delight all those bourgeois liberals whose insanity makes every normal, sane, rational, or traditional response appear to them to be grossly unsophisticated.

[1] Editorial tagline to Irina Filatova’s “Moscow metro bombing: the backlash begins”, Comment is Free (The Guardian’s weblog), 29th March 2010.

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Radio Listings

Highlights. On BBC Radio Four this week: Did immigration transform Britain by accident? [1] Continuing a series of programmes raising important dust-questions, in this episode key-players discuss in a frank and open manner whether meetings convened themselves, policy-decisions made themselves, pens moved themselves, permissions issued themselves, borders opened themselves, and ideological support-statements propagandised themselves. Independent experts give their analyses. “Obviously, there is no such thing as personal or rational agency, only impersonal and material forces determining all the events that happen in the universe”, states Professor Maximillian Flapper, “so, yes, in a very real sense, everything happens by accident; and, naturally, as a corollary of that, it must be understood that I can bear no responsibility for making that statement, nor for demanding a fee for its inclusion in any publicity-material.” On BBC Radio Four next week: the return of the award-winning comedy-quiz Members of the Socialist Workers Party and Sundry Other Marxists Telling Jokes and Regaling Us with Their Hilarious and Colourful Perspectives on Current Events in the News. (A Gramscian Production for the BBC.) To be followed by the News.

[1] “Did immigration transform Britain by accident?”, BBC News Online, 8th February 2010. (H/T: Laban Tall, “Immigration, Immigration, Immigration”, UK Commentators (weblog), 9th February 2010.)

Sunday 31 January 2010

Over the Rainbow

“Don’t believe the worst that you hear about South Africa,” reads a tagline to an article at Comment is Free. [1] Truly, so as not to let anything spoil your belief in a happier land, it is better to close your eyes and stick your fingers in your ears, or, better still, to wrap yourself in the swaddling-opinions of the western media.

[1] John Carlin, “Respect has replaced hatred in the country Mandela built”, Comment is Free (The Guardian’s weblog), 31st January 2010.

Fewtril no.274

There has been raised a horde of men, if so honorific a title may still be retained for them, who cry out “sky-fairy!” whenever they hear the word “God”, rather as Ivan Pavlov’s dogs salivated whenever they heard bells and whistles, albeit with a crucial difference: the dogs could not be inculcated to fancy that in their mindless reflexes they were on the side of reason.

Fewtril no.273

Some liberals say that, in order to defend the West, we must defend “western values”, by which they mean “liberal values”, by which I understand those newly-invented values which have done more than any other to dissolve the West. It is like taking health-tips from disease-germs.

Sunday 17 January 2010


“[W]e are pitted against an enemy swathed in religious and political certitude and we have only the ghost of a notion to sustain us: the notion of freedom of speech and freedom of thought.” [1]

I find it almost incredible that anyone could believe not only that the idea of freedom of speech and thought sustains us, which is a weird belief all by itself, but that it is the only thing that does so. I accept that liberalism estranges a man from reason and reality, but could it really set him so far asunder? Surely it is possible, but I doubt it in this case: it is far more likely that here is just another instance of flippantly-hyperbolic and ill-considered status-posturing to magnanimity which is typical of liberals  when they are taking  the safe opportunity to demonstrate their adherence to a creed which consists of little else but flippantly-hyperbolic and ill-considered status-posturing to magnanimity. [2] Still, if they expect their airy nihilism to be of any force against “an enemy swathed in religious and political certitude”, then they may be disappointed. Then again, perhaps the vapour of liberalism really does have the power to corrupt and corrode everything that comes into contact with it. [3] That is a possibility which cannot be discounted, but it is one too awful to contemplate.

[1] Rod Liddle, “We must defend the right to be stupid, vile and obnoxious”, The Sunday Times, 17th January 2010. (There is no such right, no corresponding duty to defend it, and therefore no right for liberals to impose that duty. Thereon see also a post at one of the other places, or better still, see David S. Oderberg, “Is There a Right to be Wrong?”, Philosophy, 75 (2000), pp.517-537.) Mr Liddle does have his good side: he heartily offends those further to the left of him, for which we may be thankful.
[2] One may be curious to know whether a careless mind feels like a great soul, but one would have to become a liberal misquoting a philosophe to find out.
[3] Friedrich Nietzsche once kindly noted: “The honourable term for mediocre is, of course, the word ‘liberal’.” (The Will to Power, tr. W. Kaufmann & R.J. Hollingdale (New York: Vintage Books, 1968), p.462: §864.)


“The political buffoons who want to rule us cannot even revolt properly.”

[“Nicht einmal mehr richtig putschen können die politischen Hanswürste, die uns regieren wollen.”]

Mcp, “Im Westen nichts Neues”, Mit Elektrischer Feder (weblog), 12. Januar 2010.